Sabtu, 23 Maret 2013

Migraine Headache Treatment For Us

 By : M David Yusuf

Swelling of the temporal artery usually can cause migraine headaches. artery is surrounded by nerves under the skin of the temple. usually to take migraine headache treatment carried out by addressing the cause, with symptoms meeting this.

Migraine headache treatment the first is an anti-inflammatory drugs non-steroidal (NSAID), usually the migraine headache treatment is done to moderate migraine headaches. These drugs can be purchased without a prescription. But these drugs should not be consumed frequently, it is because it can cause the risk of peptic ulcers. These drugs include ibuprofen, naproxen, and aspirin .

The other migraine headache treatment is to use Tiptans. This is a drug to shrink blood vessels, including the temporal artery. This drug works by reducing the size of the artery so that the nerves around the artery is not stretched and does not release chemicals. so that the pain caused by nerve around the artery can be lost.

Other drugs commonly in use for the migraine headache treatment is Ergots. how these drugs work the same as Triptans, but cheaper than Triptans. But doctors said the drug is less effective. according to the experience of this drug have increased effectiveness in individuals who experience migraine headaches for more than two days.

Narcotics are also used for the migraine headache treatment in patients who did not respond to other drugs. but this drug can not be used in excess in the short term, because it is addictive. These drugs include combining Midrin isometheptene, vasoconstrictor, with a mild sedative and acetaminophen, dichloralphenazone.

Identify early migraine headache attack is a smart choice, because migraine headache treatment is more effective when people realize that migraine starts, is not done when the pain became unbearable
I thought you may be interested in reading some of the bullet points contained in this post about sinus headache relief and chronic sinus infection

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