Sabtu, 06 April 2013

Causes of Migraines

By : M. David Yusuf
After all forms of headache will make the sufferer feel uncomfortable and can not stand. Headache is one of the main causes of migraines . Some headaches, such as migraine can cause some problems.

Among these patients more sensitive to light, nausea. Sometimes the head pain that is felt only on one section in the head.

Changes in blood flow within the brain suspected as the causes of migraines is most common. It was also explained by several theories. However, neuropathic pain sensing nerves that release chemicals also one of the theories about the causes of migraines .

There, neuropathy relaxes smooth muscle surrounding cranial blood vessels that lead to increased blood flow and liquid Other skull to the brain. This fluid is considered as the causes of migraines . This cranial fluid causing inflammation, pain sensitivity during migraine. This is supported by many medical examination. But headaches are also sometimes occur on both sides of the head.

In addition to the above described genetic influence can also be a causes of migraines. Children with migraine may have a 50% chance to get a migraine headache and migraine symptoms by 70%. Even so, the causes of migraines is not certain.

After reading the explanation above about the causes of migraines, may be able to add your information about migraine.
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