Senin, 22 April 2013

Migraines Symptoms

By : M. David Yusuf

BAM basilaris artery migraine or migraines symptoms basalt. The term is now revised with the term BTM basilaris migraine. For patients who already knew about migraine, would feel confused also with this migraines symptoms.

The researchers studied the symptoms of migraine headaches in the arteries and BTM BAM basilaris basilaris migraine. Since both these diseases are rarely encountered.

Based on these studies, headache migraines symptoms was perceived as ordinary headaches. This case is frequently encountered in women compared with men. Headaches that occur in women caused by hormonal changes during menstruation.

Migraines symptoms arising from brain stem usually lasts less than an hour. Blindness can also be a result of this migraine. Different drugs can be given on the location of migraine sufferers in the brain stem.

Migraines symptoms must be accompanied by at least two signs below, to determine the proper diagnosis of headaches . Among them:

1. Decreased level of consciousness
2. And inkoordinasi unsteadiness (ataxia)
3. Visual symptoms of nasal and temporal field in both eyes
4. Diplopia (double vision)
5. Hypacusia (hearing loss)
6. Tinnitus
7. Vertigo (feeling of spinning)
8. Clumsiness and damage in the words spoken by the disease, which results in the pharyngeal muscles, language, and verbal (dysarthria)
9. Simultaneously bilateral paresthesias (abnormal sensations or unpleasant described as burning, stinging, or numbness)

Hopefully, the above description you can add information about the migraines symptoms.
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