Sabtu, 20 April 2013

Optical Migraine

By : M. David Yusuf

One of the rare type of migraine known as optical migraine . An example is ocular migraine, migraine acephalgic, amigrainous migraine or migraine aura without headache. In general, migraine occurs in women especially during menstruation.

The cause of optical migraine is not known with certainty, optical migraine also not accompanied by headache. But, optical migraine is considered more dangerous than the usual migraine. Common migraine symptoms, in general, through three phases namely: the aura phase, the headache phase and stage backdrop.

During the first stage, patients experience visual disturbances such as blurred vision, flashing lights and blind spots in his field of vision. Patients can also nausea or vomiting. This stage usually lasts for one hour. While optical migraine headaches not to.

There are two treatments that can be done of the drug to treat when it comes optical migraine or for prevention. NSAIDs such as aspirin and ibuprofen, triptans, ergotamine and analgesics. Preventive medicine group consisting of beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers and anti-depressants.

Preventive maintenance that does not include medications can be implemented to reduce the incidence of attacks, such as healthy diet and exercise, and avoid triggers.

Optical migraine sufferers usually prefer to use herbal medicines compared with regular medication. Migraine is a type of long-term illnesses who need long-term care. Therefore, should collaborate with your doctor to get a good effective treatment to be done.
Just thought you may be interested in reading this guide: optical migraines and sinus pressure relief

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