Senin, 29 April 2013

Optical Migraine Symptoms

By : M. David Yusuf

Optic migraine aura is a vision that includes disturbance. Accompanied by headache or aura is not coming. Not all migraine sufferers have this aura. Usually this vision disorders occur for 15-20 minutes. Between one and another patient who has a different aura.

Arrival of the aura. Optical migraine symptoms usually accompany the arrival of the aura with different shapes. Zig-zag lines, blind spots, flashing bright colors, or light, and other geometric shapes. Nausea, dizziness, confusion, and a sense of imbalance often accompanies these optical migraine symptoms .

Treatment for optical migraine symptoms . How that can be done when the optical migraine symptoms appear is to sleep. Or just be a dark room while lying down and give a cold water compress on the eyes and forehead. It also can help to reduce optical migraine symptoms.

There are many ways you can do to overcome this optical migraine symptoms. Consult with your doctor to get prescription drugs that can be used for days to prevent any future optical migraine symptoms are also well done.

Your chance to choose any treatment for your migraine symptoms resolve optic. And whatever way it is, most importantly can help you to overcome your optical migraine symptoms.

Hopefully, the above description you can add information about optical migraine symptoms. And I hope your optical migraine symptoms can be controlled .
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