Jumat, 12 April 2013

Sinus Allergies

By : M. David Yusuf

Any substances that irritate the sinuses and cause allergy in known sinus allergies . Air Condition, weather, environment is around us greatly affect our health. One example, the air we breathe every day that contain substances such as dust, pollution, animal fur, the remains of dead insects, pollen and wood can trigger allergy sinus. Especially in people who already have children are allergic.

There are several symptoms that can be caused if a person has sinus allergies . Among them, toothache, bad breath, watery eyes, sneezing around 80-10 times, and nasal itching. This must be treated immediately, because it can cause other allergies in the future if not treated immediately.

For patients with sinus allergies , take reasonable precautions which could trigger a recurrence of sinus allergies well done. As diligent cleaning, carpet cleaning the dusty, to live the room had air conditioning, wear a mask if you go where a lot of dust.

For sinus allergies sufferers who have long, natural ways such as nasal irrigation may be used. Because in addition to more secure than using drugs are also easy and cheap to do.

Recurrence of sinus allergies can be prevented from keeping the environment clean our own. That is the most inexpensive and easy to do. There are several ways on which you can use to prevent sinus allergy.

Hopefully the above descriptions to increase your knowledge about the sinus allergies. Preventing the things that can trigger your allergy sinus important. For sinus allergies you do not appear again.
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