Kamis, 11 April 2013

Sinus Cancer

By : M. David Yusuf

Do you have sinus disease/ sinus cancer ?
Sinus disease is owned by several people, among them acute sinus disease or experienced a short-term, or chronic sinus infections or sinus that has been experienced in a long time. In general, someone who has a long-term sinus disease / that has lasted a long time, was afraid if sinus disease develop into sinus tumor and sinus cancer .

Sinus benign tumor benign, can, causing some disruption to the sufferer. But, still can be eliminated. And mean it's not a malignant tumor / sinus cancer .

What is the difference sinus benign tumor with malignant sinus tumor/ sinus cancer?
This might be one of the questions that arise in your mind? In general, this sinus tumors can be identified early because blocking the nose. The symptoms almost similar to a sinus infection, it's just there are some other symptoms . Here will be described more clearly.

Abnormal mass in the nose and can continue to grow said to be a benign tumor. This benign tumor does not grow another body gets. He's just beginning to develop the place he appears. It's just that if not addressed will lead to many problems and if the problem continues to be ignored would be dangerous. Therefore, if it meets these demands and be suspicious because there was something strange in your nose, immediately checked into the doctor, so as not to develop into dangerous.

Is a kind of inverted papilloma sinus tumor that frequently occurs. The action is usually done to overcome them is surgery. That is by using the endoscope is inserted into the nose. This measure is intended to take the mass / tumor is in the nose and is usually accompanied by the removal of tissue around the mass. This minimizes the growth of tumors was again in the future. Because if one only tumor cells left behind, can cause tumors to grow again in the future. In addition to the above measures, surgery may be measures that can be done to remove the tumor if the blocking function is vital.

Squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma is a tumor of the sinus. Can malignant tumors that spread gets another body. Malignant cancers including cancer of paranasal sinus cancer in the paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity cancer is in the nasal cavity.

The symptoms that arise almost the same as ordinary sinus infection , but usually accompanied by nosebleeds.

It is not known for certain about the cause of sinus cancer, but according to several studies have been conducted. In general, people who work around dust, wood, leather, nickel, glue, smokers have a higher risk of sinus cancer. You can take reasonable precautions by wearing a mask or face shield.
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