Kamis, 02 Mei 2013

Menstrual Migraine

By : M. David Yusuf

PMS or menstrual migraine is often experienced when a woman is menstruating. This results, more women suffer from migraines than men. Menstrual migraine symptoms experienced by every woman is different, but in general, patients experiencing severe headaches , nausea, and even sensitive to light. Even for some patients not infrequently accompanied by vomiting.

The decrease in female hormone estrogen when menstruation is often regarded as a cause of menstrual migraine . Associated migraine (migraine that occurs at other times and not only when her menstrual periods) and pure menstrual migraine (migraine that occurs only when menstruation) are two types of menstrual migraine.

Are your menstrual migraine sufferers? Then, menstrual migraine type what you feel?

To know that, should do the recording of migraine that you experienced when menstruating. Record the time of occurrence, intensity, symptoms experienced when menstrual migraine that you feel. If it continues to be noted for several months, and you give the note to your doctor. That could be an alternative way to know your menstrual migraine.

Medications to reduce nausea and pain usually given to people with menstrual migraine. Or anti-inflammatory drug commonly given to migraine sufferers. For women who experience menstrual migraine with a break for a week can improve the hormone estrogen and helps reduce the symptoms of menstrual migraine.

Menstrual migraine can be experienced by every woman. However, the resulting symptoms vary every woman. For that, knowing the symptoms of menstrual migraine in yourself better.
Also, check out my other guide on migraine headache symptoms and migraine remedy

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