Selasa, 09 April 2013

Pregnant Headache

By : M. David Yusuf
Headache is the pain and discomfort that is felt in the head. Migraine headaches are one type of headache. The existence of visual disturbances, nausea, and vomiting are some of the symptoms . The presence of blood vessels that develop in the brain is one cause of migraine headaches. In addition, the factor of food, stress, and so can be a trigger of migraine headaches. Migraine headaches are usually felt in the forehead or the head of the front.

Pregnant headache are headaches that are commonly experienced by pregnant women. It usually occurs in the first 3 months of gestation or so-called first trimester. Head pain that is felt difficult to explain by each pregnant woman. Because the sense of pregnant headache varies between one and another woman.

Medication used for headaches pregnant should be careful. Because pregnant women are particularly vulnerable situation. Therefore, make notes on, when the emergence of this headache pregnant, cause, frequency, and duration can be done.

Go medicine to get the proper way to relieve pregnant headache can also be performed. Because doctors will first consider the various aspects.

In addition, there is home treatment to help relieve pregnant headache. That is by diligent exercise, avoid food triggers such as cheese, chocolate, and put a cold towel on his forehead to help relieve headache pregnant.

Pregnant headache experienced by women when pregnant. Usually symptoms caused different every woman. In addition, how to overcome them were also different. Thus, the nature of pregnant headache very individual.
I thought you may be interested in reading some of the bullet points contained in this post about remedies for headaches and sinus flush

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