Senin, 08 April 2013

Remedies for Headaches

By : M. David Yusuf
Drugs that have been used for many years and are available in various forms at your local health food or natural food stores known as herbal medicine. In addition, herbal medicines are also available at pharmacies. Generally, herbal medicines available in the form of tea, but now also available in capsule form. Herbal remedies are often used as a remedies for headaches .

Here are some examples of herbal remedies for headaches including:
Many contain ingredients that can inhibit the release of mood hormones in the brain. Feverfew is commonly available in capsules or tea. However, the result will be better if used in a state that is still fresh.

Ginger has long been used as a remedies for headaches . Because it is anti-inflammatory that contain ingredients that can reduce pain. Take in capsule form, according to directions.

Combine the bay with feverfew to relieve headaches. You often can find a combination that is available in most health food stores.

Chamomile has a natural calming effect. Drinking a cup of chamomile tea to help calm your nerves and relieve headaches naturally .

Ginkgo may relieve headache by dilating blood vessels in the head.

Can be used as a remedies for headaches.

often helpful in reducing headaches. The aroma of lavender has been proven very effective as a natural remedies for headaches .

In addition to those described above are several ways a cold compress on the forehead can help to keep blood flowing by opening narrowed blood vessels. Make a compress for several minutes. It can be used as a remedies for headaches .
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